Santa Fe, NM is very pet friendly city and many citizens have a several pets in a house. Not so many own reptiles, rescue them, care for them, love them, educate children and other people on proper handling and care of that delicate creatures. That one woman, Randi Finlayson, was my one of Facebook friends and we were just recently talking on scheduling a reptile photo session in order to create a professional images and help reptiles to find a home.

But unpredictable thing happened…Randi sadly passed away in a sleep at her house. 40 of her beloved reptiles become orphans at once…

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First, on May 26, 2017 appeared a note from Santa Fe Animal Services Officers FB page who were asking for help finding a missing snake.. a loose Dumeril Boa went missing. Animal Services Division advised that a pet 7 feet long Dumeril Boa is missing from a home on the 700 Block of Columbia Street.
They asked that the residents who live near Columbia Street should keep their small dogs and cats contained until the snake is located. Residence should be aware that the snake could be at ground level under shrubbery or could make its way up posts or trees. This post had lots of comments regarding owner’s irresponsibility regarding safety matters as many people have small pets and little kids and they were concerned about their safety.

But who knew about the real circumstances and a tragedy!

Turned out that Tom, The Boa was hiding very well and never left Randi’s house! Santa Fe New Mexican reported to citizens on June 2, 2017 that all reptiles were taken to Santa Fe Animal Shelter, where they will be well taken care of.

For help, adoption, donations and visit Randi’s reptiles go to SFAS!




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